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overview .
vision, mission, values
investment strategy
subsidiaries & associates
corporate social responsibility
our people
Our people

We employ young, graduates and allow them to grow and develop. 
Hanganeni Investment Holdings believes and has confidence in itself and its people.

Board of Directors

James Hatuikulipi – Chairman

James has a solid background in investment management industry and operating private companies. He holds directorship in various Hanganeni Investment Holdings portfolio companies.

Leevi Hungamo

Leevi’s experience lies in the field of public sector policy planning and implementation.
He holds directorship in various Hanganeni Investment Holdings portfolio companies.

Dr Ndeutala Angolo-Amutenya
Dr. Angolo-Amutenya has extensive experience in the public sector, in the academic field. She’s holds directorship in various Hanganeni Investment Holdings portfolio companies and has published various books on education and training.
